Tuesday, May 31, 2011

say hi and smile :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

what a dayyy :)

Today teman mama shopping untuk baby :)
sooo me and yaya pon tompang nk shopping skali...thanks mama <3 love you!
and mama ckp sooo now x payah laaa jealous2 ngan baby lagi.dye kecik lagi x tahu ape2 xD
haha laaa ingat mama x perasan yg anak mama sorang ni kuat jealous xD rupanya perasan xD...thanks belanja shopping tadi...<3 ilymomma :D

then malam DINNER with cousin2 <3...awwwww really miss you people :D
jumpe sasha ,yayin,danial,pia,danish,ayed,adam,azim :),and ramai lagi :)
having sooo much fun with u guys <3

Saturday, May 28, 2011

blaa blaa blaaa :P

hurmmmmm bosannn T_T...Cuti bosan x cuti pon bosan...hari2 tido lambat :P
and hangout je la keje :)......seriously bosan dah la ehem2 tu busy gile =.=" x pe la bile free kite keluar kay...............................And yeah esok maybe shopping ngan mama :) ...Ma please laaa bosan maa kat rumah =.=" maaa busy je keja....and yaya pulak x habis2 hangout :P tengah banyak duit boleh la....Nk pegi holiday semua busy with baby farhan T_T ....bosan la mcm ni...study2 PMR is coming...hehe......time cuti ni laaa nk catch up form 1 and 2 :D lagi2 sejarah =.=" okay byebye :P

i love you baby :)

Happy Birthday Baby Nana :)

HaPPY BIRTHDAY Baby nana :)
love you soo much :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


ouhhhh mcm ni la abang....My Birthdayyyyyyyy x beli ape2 dye ckp "ah kau x payah la" then birthday girlfriend dye beli mcm2 :P grrrrr jahatttttt!!!!! not fair :P!!!x pe x peee nnti abg dah kerja baru claim hadiah xD haha xD

anddddddd :USTAZ ADD ME ON FB :O
karang x approve cakap ape pulak...then bile da approve nnti pegi gossip kat cikgu lain yang saya pakai x senonoh =.=" .......haishh,....HAIIISHOOOO

Saturday, May 21, 2011

online online and online :)

Online kat rumah yayin just now :)

pheewitt haha bawak laptop then curik line + gossip2 ...

dah la dalam rumah x de line soooo duduk atas BUMBUNG xD

haha nasib baik papa x nmpak...confirm kena marah xD!!

besttttt sejuk :D

:) love ya.....

Friday, May 20, 2011

To all warmpitzzz !!

durhhh kalau nk chatting jgn guna bahasa boyan korang boleh x?
geli nk bace and x faham ape yang korang merepek =.=" ingat comel sngat laaa pakai ayat mcm tu BLUEK ! seriously sakai ...x payah laaa nk cakap mcm tu, cakap elok2 boleh x?grrr
"kitew x batak pon lorhz" mean?sumpah x faham...."titew" chumelz"kew"napew"apew" hahaha sumpah sakai...dari cakap bahasa tu baik ckp bahasa F :sefemuefe remfepitfit safakaifai ...ofotakfak takfadefe...........bafajetfet bafagosfos!=.=" go die...bye!

Not in Mood !

haish I MISS HIM HIM HIM AND HIM =.=" ................................

ERM ERM .............................And yeahhhhh jealous with NAFIZ FARHAN =.=" sorry baby ...haishh mana x nye semuaaa layan you....haha not your fault pun!!i <3 you baby but sorry since baby ade everyone ignore me =.=" well ANAK LAST mmg mcm ni...xD besttt jadi anak last......nk ape semua dapat =.=" ....manja and mengada2 :D haha tapi since small baby tu ade...dah x boleh nk mengada2....semua ignore me:D ....!!!I LOVE ATTENSION that's all!!!!!!!Time Birthday pun semua sebuk with baby....mane x jealous...paling x bole lupa time semua org datang bukan nk wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY tapi semua naik atas jumpe baby farhan........then ape lagi.....naik atas pura2 tido actually crying..haha ape laa dah besar pun nk jealous =.=" butttt not fair...i just LOVE attension!!!!.........................................................................T_T

Thursday, May 19, 2011

harap je kawan :P

Okay mmg kau kawan baik aku :)
aku kenal kau dari kecik...dari 1st masok sekolah rendah....
but mcm ni ke kawan =.=" mcm CHIPSMORE!!
Bile senang kau lupakan kitorang "kawan2 baik kau" then bile kau susah kau carik kitorang...
memang kitorang nii senang2 jeee kau nk permainkan...jgn ingat aku layan kau mean aku x kisah...HAHA weii come on la....kite bestfriend dah lame kot..kau sorang aku rase bnyak buat perangai..kau suka ah orang kutuk2 kau?kau suka bestfriend kau sendiri benci kau?kau jgn 1 hari bila susah cari kitorang...time tu kau anggap je laa kitorang semua dah X WUJUD!kalau kau boleh senang2 lupakan kawan asl x kitorang pulak buat kau mcm tu?.,kau layan kitorang nk x nk...sukahati kau laa weiii kau jgn menyesal...kau suka kan?kau suka kitorang dah x heran psl kau..kau yang nk sngat kan...kau x nk kitorang sebuk hal kau...!soooo now kitorang dah x kisah....aku rasa kalau aku x de kawan mcm kau pun x pe kot...buat ape nk kawan kalau kau sendiri lupa kawan.......kau buat la ape kau nk buat...ingat time kau susah kau jgn carik kitorang...actually aku malas nk merepek meraban mcm ni...tapi benda betull sooo sukahati aku ape aku nk tulis..........Kalau kau x nk hilang kawan2 baik kau sendiri mahu ingat la..................................Aku malas nk gaduh2...Aku nk PMR so x de mase nk layan perangai kau :)....And lagipon Gadoh2 takat post kat blogger mcm x matang langsung...boleh je nk face to face,..ehhh dahh laa malas nk ckp bnyak.,,,,,,,

Monday, May 16, 2011


kau pahal ha?aku kenal pon x.....pastu tah mane dapat no aku :P kau yang text aku ,,bile aku x balas kate sombong...kira baik aku reply..dah tahu aku TAKEN pstu kau nk bising2 asal?x faham bahase?
still nk jumpe aku,kenal pon x la wei...kenapa laaa lelaki sorang ni x bleh nk faham...yeaaa mmg kalau boleh aku x nk layan kau..takat kawan chat2 on FB okay la..ni nk text call jumpe..x de mase aku...=.=" pstu kau ckp "bf kau mane ?asyik2 aku je SMS kau,,ade aku suruh kau sms aku ke?x de kan kau x payah text aku pon x pe coz aku x ingin...pstu kau ckp "aku ingat aku boleh ganti tempat bf kau " HHAHAHA FUNNY!JGN NK PERASAN LA WEH KITE KENAL PON X...

and lagi 1: yeaaa mmg muke aku matured ..15 tapi nmpak mcm 16....okay fine but jgn laaa buat andaian sendiri...aku matured senang2 je ckp confirm aku smoke,masok club.tengok cerita 18sx =.=" weii come on!i'm not that kind of girl.....haishh bangang!


lame gile x update haritu BLOGGER buat hal...
thanks yang wish time birthday haritu :)
thanks update blog korang psl aku :)
thanks baling aku air anggur...
x agak2 dah baling skali pastu esok tu baling tepung ngan air...mmg muka aku "COMEL" sngat :P
i <3 you peopleeeeeeeee (;

Saturday, May 7, 2011

cant wait for tomorrow :)

reallly hope mama beli guitar sebijik mcm ni....buttt mmg harapan la..coz my guitar last year baru beli then mama say nk PMR soo focus on your study first and bla bla bla blaa....okay i',m not in mood :P

HURMMM esok BIRTHDAY :) haiishhhh tahun ni punye confirm paling x best...its okay everyone i understand :) family of course busy with along's baby NAFIZ FARHAN :)

then isnin exam......mmg x de mood.....before this punye birthday happy la jugak...

but tomorrow?hurm entah laa....biar la dah laa....ask present semua mcm whatever la dik =.="

k fine......x peeee x kisah pun chill je :) *konon chill padahal xD

okay not in mood :P

andddddddd ESOK JUGAK NK MOTHER'S DAY :) HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MAMA I LOVE YOUUUU SOOOO MUCHHH NO ONE COULD REPLACE YOU !NO ONE COULD MAKE ME FEEL THE WAY YOU DID ....i love you untill god take my breath away :) .........and now i'm sorry i'm not in mood ...thanks for everything .

Friday, May 6, 2011


okayyy okayyyy hurmmmm penat gile semalam balik je sekolah dalam pukul 3 ...then mama cancel kan class guitar ma suruh pegi hospital....okay balik online then mandi mirul nk ambik....soooo mandi2 terus pegi hospital....penattt gile 11 jam lepak hospital =.=" tapi disebabkan my beloved along yang nk bersalin tunggu je la......lapar call pizza hut semua berkelah dalam wad tu,,,,then siap bole lepak downtown mirul ah nk shopping...=.="

padahal esok tu nk exam boleh pulak merayau2 study x,,,ingat balik dalam kol 1 at least boleh study sikit...haiishh x jadi langsung balik kol 3 pagi then tido....bangun pegi skola jawab exam :P

but malam tadi best baby adam ade :) sian dyee penat .....bosan punye pasal and lagi kol 1 pagi wad tu da kosong ape lagi buat kerje gile "LUMBA LARI NGAN MIRUL" xD boleh pulak main2 kat situ...soo what daripada bosan jadi gile....thennn lepas tu along keluar dari operation room :) andddd yeahhhhhhh along with her baby :) welcome to the world NAFIZ FARHAN :) ...Sbb kan baby nafiz ramai tau x balik smalam ramai tunggu kat hospital nenek2 aunty2 uncle2 semua ade :) we love you baby :) andd haha glamourrr youu pangkat aunty dah sekarang :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

kebosanan melanda :)

haha dude aku bosan...sangat bosan =.=:

can't wait for mini concert :D
hooyeah :)

dah laaa jadi gila merepek sorang k dah bye